
Basel: The capital of the Dreiländereck

The location of the oldest University of Switzerland also will be one of the venues of the Euro 2008. The Saint Jakob Park, known as “Joggeli” for the FC Basel crowd, will receive six matches, included the opening match.

Basel, inhabited by 165.000 Swiss, is the most important city of the North West region known as Dreiländereck, (corner of three countries). And these days, people are waiting the European fans that will be able to enjoy travels around the city gratuitously by train or tram that will be available 24 hours a day during the Euro 2008.

Today, Basel is a vital city as a result of a powerful chemical and pharmaceutical industry. But the Roger Federer and The Lovebugs home had rich old times: the historical trace of Basel could be appreciated in Augusta Raurica, one of the most attractive areas in Basel, the oldest Roman colony on the Rhine River.

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