
Charisteas has good company: Ioannis Amanatidis

Angelos Charisteas is hero in whole Greece. He was one of the Greek footballers who were the EURO 2004 champions. And now he has greater company in the attack: Ioannis Amanatidis.

The Eintracht Frankurt player knows what is to play alone in the attack but this time will act as of second forward, accompanying the footballer Charisteas. Amanatidis is 26 years old; and his aspect and the claw that puts in each match, reminds us of the French rugbier Sebastien Chabal, characteristics that give pleasure to the fanatics.

Taking advantage of his powerful, in the Bundesliga he scored 46 goals, but with the National Squad he scored only twice. In Group D he and all Greece will have to take advantage of each 2-on-1 break that appears in the pitch if they want to reach the quarterfinals. In the last friendly against Portugal they demonstrated that they are to the height of the circumstances.


Anonymous said...

Sinceramente no veo a esta Grecia con muchas chances de cara a la Euro. Eso sí, alguien pensaba que sí tenían chances en la anterior? De seguro que ni el más optimista de los helénicos.

A ver cuando escribes algo de Turquía, que son mis "tapados" para esta edición!


Tom said...

We are preparing some posts about Turkey, of course. :-)
I think they can go far.